Gentlemen and Sluts – 2023. március

The party can only be visited with advance ticket registration!
Entrance fee:
Hölgyeknek „slut” öltözékben: 3900 Ft
(to be paid during ticket registration
during registration and an additional .
Bárkinek „Gentleman” szerepben 5900 Ft
3.900 Ftduring registration and an additional során 3900 és a helyszínen további 2000 Ft fizetendő)
Gentleman ticket also includes the price of a mask - early arrivals can choose.
Secret Gentleman Games under the Palace District.

Ezen az estén az urak nem a szokott „Fetish” dresscode szerint öltözködnek, hanem a klasszikus elegancia szabályai szerint, és a  parti első felében (23:00-ig) kötelező számukra az álarc viselése is, kivéve a bár környékét, ahol felemelhetik a maszkot, amíg fogyasztanak. A belsőbb terekben – különösen játékok során – éljétek meg az anonimitás varázsából adódó misztikumot és szabadságot, hisz – Oscar Wilde szavaival – „adj egy maszkot a férfinak, és meglátod a valódi arcát”!

There will be guided games during the evening, participation in which is not obligatory.

Are you a girl who 
– is always intrigued by what kind of luxurious ceremonies take place in the basements of castles?
– wants to see what lies behind the mask of a true gentleman?
– wants to discover the desires hidden behind an elegant appearance and courteous behavior?
– wants to play the role of the victim while being completely safe?
Or do you simply find elegantly dressed men sexy?

Whichever applies to you, this exceptional evening is for you, and it was created by girls like you.

Are you a man who
– is refined, and takes care of himself?
– likes to occasionally put on a special elegant suit, tuxedo, or tails, complete with all the accessories?
– likes to behave like a real gentleman: politely but decisively?
– likes erotic ceremonies?
Or do you simply find provocatively dressed girls sexy?

If you recognize yourself in the above mentioned, you're in luck because tonight they're looking for you.

Arrive early because the ceremony begins at 9:00 PM!

Dresscode: Eyes Wide Shut

By registering for the ticket, you accept that participation in the party is subject to compliance with the Dresscode and the Rules of the club. The ticket registration fee is non-refundable.

Dátum : 2023 Március 18

Time: 8 PM - 2 AM

Registration Deadline Expired!!