Consent, Boundaries, and Pleasurable Touch - WORKSHOP - October 2024

This event is not organized by the Ministry of Freedom Club, but we deem it worthy of hosting and are proud to welcome it.

The event can only be visited with advance ticket registration!

Fill out the registration form:

in Hungarian: here
in English: here

There is no dress code for this event.
You can register with a partner or alone (solo registrations will be accepted with consideration for balanced gender ratios).
The language of the workshop is English with Hungarian translation.

Ticket prices for the workshop:

25 EUR - as an individual participant
35 EUR - as a couple (Your partner does not need to be a romantic partner. They can be someone you trust completely, and with whom touch is joyful and natural.)

Combined Ticket:

Admission to the Consent, Boundaries, and Pleasurable Touch Workshop and the following day's Liquid Love Event..

80 EUR - as a single participant
140 EUR - as a couple

Consent, Boundaries and Pleasurable Touch Workshop
Mutual agreement, boundaries of intimacy, sensual touch.

How would you like to touch your partner? How would you like your partner to touch you?

When you touch someone - who is the touch for? For them? For yourself? Where is the focal point of pleasure?

These are questions many of us have when it comes to physical pleasure with our partner.

In this practical workshop, using exercises and techniques developed by Dr. Betty Martin, we will understand what mutual consent means for us, what our own boundaries are, and how we can explore what we want to give and receive through touch. The workshop will present practical methods for tuning into our bodies and minds.

During the event, we will physically begin to explore our boundaries and what brings us pleasure through games and exercises.

The workshop itself is neither sexual nor sensual, and there will be no nudity at all. We will focus on exercises that examine how to find the Yes and No, and how to listen to what our body is communicating to us.

These playful techniques have proven over many years to genuinely help partners communicate better with each other. They allow for a mutual understanding of each other’s body language, uncover desires, and interpret the messages our bodies send through touch. This leads to a much deeper, more meaningful intimacy and a more enjoyable physical connection.

Yal, the host of this event was introduced to the School of Consent through Betty Martin’s teachings and has been deepening his knowledge for years. Every game and exercise in the workshop is based on the principles of The School of Consent.

Date: 31th October 2024

Time: 7 PM - 12 AM


Arriving: between 7 PM - 7:30 PM (at 7:30 PM we close the doors)

Start: 7:30 PM

Duration of the workshop: ~ 3 hours