Couples and Unicorns – 2023. September

The party can only be visited with advance ticket registration!

Dresscode: Fetish

Entrance free: 3,000 HUF / person (to be payed during ticket registration) 
Egyedül érkező uraknak a belépő 7.000 Ft (3,000 HUF paid during ticket registration, the rest to be paid at the venue)

Many couples have discovered that there is no better choice for an erotically charged party than a fetish event. We aim to provide them with an exceptionally delightful experience in this theme, designed in a way that caters to everyone, from shy beginners to the most open-minded hardcore couples. It's up to you whether the sight of fetish-clad bodies dancing around you in the large hall appeals to you, or perhaps you prefer to play in the dungeon, or join a multi-player adventure in the small room.

Na de kik azok az unikornisok? A poliamor és swinger világban ezt a kifejezést azokra a szingli lányokra használják (férfiakra csak ritkán), akik mindkét fél örömére csatlakoznak a párokhoz. Mi is elsősorban lány unikornisokra számítunk ezen az estén – férfi „egyszarvúk” csak korlátozott számban vehetnek részt, és be kell tartaniuk a parti rájuk vonatkozó extra szabályát: csak akkor közeledhetnek párokhoz, ha ezt a pár kezdeményezi.

Wristband color codes:

– Fekete: „teljesen monogám kapcsolatban vagyunk”

– Fehér: „előfordulhat, hogy mással is játszunk” 
Openness can take many forms, and we don't believe that a color can express who, when, or what kind of activities a couple or unicorn (single person open to engaging with couples) is open to. Therefore, the white wristband does not imply anything specific. Even with the wristband, verbal consent is necessary for any approach.


By registering for the ticket, you accept that participation in the party is subject to compliance with the Dresscode and the Rules of the club. The ticket registration fee is non-refundable.

Dátum : 2023. szeptember 23.

Time: 8 PM - 2 AM

Ticket registration is only available to club members