2025. Február 17.-én a jegy- és klubtagság vásárlás technikai okokból szünetelni fog!

Girl Power Party – 2023. augusztus

Dresscode: Fetish

The party can only be visited with advance ticket registration!

Belépő ára: 3900 Ft

Jegyregisztráció során fizetendő: 1900 Ft
Helyszínen fizetendő fennmaradó összeg 2000 Ft
Where women decide

This is a party for you, if you are:

– a woman who knows what she wants and can communicate it.
– a man who enjoys getting to know and serving women's desires.

The Girl Power Party is not just for dommes and slaves but for all modern women and men who are capable of transcending traditional gender roles in the pursuit of complete female pleasure. Of course, if you're looking for partners for femdom games, this is definitely your party, but we also welcome service top men, self-aware masochistic girls, and those who have nothing to do with BDSM but simply love assertive women or men who pay maximum attention to them. 

During this evening, several massage tables will be set up so that the women who lay down there can decide whose massage offers they accept.

20:30 A nyitó programot a Blue Velvet csapata tartja, akik nemcsak elismert dominák, hanem az ország első BDSM képzésének trénerei. 

21:30 Human carpet

22:30 Slave auction. Women can bid (in exchange for coupons provided by us) on self-volunteering subs who, within certain predefined limits, agree to serve the lady with the highest bid for at least 30 minutes.

By registering for the ticket, you accept that participation in the party is subject to compliance with the Dresscode and the Rules of the club. The ticket registration fee is non-refundable.

Dátum : 2023. augusztus 5.

Time: 8 PM - 2 AM

Ticket registration is only available to club members