Dresscode: Fetish
A nagysikerű szeptemberi szezonnyitónk után újra különleges eseményekkel és izgalmakkal várunk titeket, itthon még sosem látott fantasztikus műsorokat szerveztünk, összegyűjtöttünk sok mindent a különböző partik legjavából, és olyasmikkel is készülünk, amivel eddig nem.
But of course, we know very well that we don't even know the most exciting events: since this club became a cult meeting place of the domestic fetish world, and the best shibari artists, the most serious performers, the most beautiful models and the most renowned dominatrixes regularly party here, we've gotten used to it. The Ministry of Freedom club dazzles us with spontaneous programs that we never dreamed of...
More information about the program is coming soon...
– Sultn
– Snyl
By registering for the ticket, you accept that participation in the party is subject to compliance with the Dresscode and the Rules of the club. The ticket registration fee is non-refundable.
Date :
Time: 8 PM - 2 AM